Five Types of Eating Disorders
Under weight ( <85% of IBW or BMI <18 )​
Fear of weight gain/fat OR behaviors prevent weight gain
Body image distortion OR self-evaluation depends on weight/shape OR no insight into seriousness of low weight​​​
Binge Eating Disorder
At or abobe normal weight, no purging​
Binge=eats large amount within a 2-hour period, til uncomfortably full, embarrassed, disgusted & distressed; average once/week for 3 months
At or above normal weight​
Recurrent binge & purging episodes; average once/week for 3 months
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Avoids based on texture, taste, interest, or physical discomfort​
Significantly under weight/nutritionally deficient; supplement dependent
Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (i.e., purging disorder)